Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blogs in the future

After reading the three sets of standards, NETS, AASL, and the Framework for the 21st Century, it seems to me that we have our work cut out for us.  I can see a number of ways that using blogs can help us to aid our students to meet these standards.  In the area of using digital media to communicate and work collaboratively, it would seem that a blog would be very conducive to communication and collaboration within the classroom and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. As you are teaching at the elementary level, I'd be interested in knowing how you might start with blogs. I did see an elementary school where the teacher used it for students to share their writing. She felt it gave them a wider audience so they were more careful with what they posted. I read about another primary teacher who used it to communicate with parents by having a different student post what they did during the week each Friday. Many of the blogging tools are intended (and in some cases restricted) to older students. It would be workwhile looking at ClassBlogmeister or Edublogger to get ideas on how to connect your students with other classes via a blog.
